SMM Time and Date
The 12-hour clock uses a full stop between the hour and minute, and the 24-hour clock uses a colon (:). There is no space between the number and 'am', 'pm' in the 12-hour clock.
The lecture starts at 11.30am and ends at 1pm.
The lecture starts at 11:30 and ends at 13:00.
The lecture starts at 9am.
The lecture starts at 11.30am and ends at 13:00 (be consistent!)
The lecture starts at 9.00am.
There are different approaches to date. Let’s stick to the format that is already used quite often: day of the week-month-date-year. Put commas after the day, the month and date, and the year.
The NSGF on Sunday, March 2, 2014, condemned the latest terrorist attack.
Two explosions were heard in the city at 6.15pm on Saturday, March 1, 2014,...
The NSGF on 2 March, 2014, Sunday, condemned the latest terrorist attacks.
Two explosions were heard in the city at 6.15pm on Saturday, 1 March 2014.
Note that on most occasions it is not necessary to write the year, as this will be obvious to the reader.