How to work on Reddit
Why should we publish articles on Reddit?
We want to grow Tier 1 (US/UK) traffic. Sharing interesting articles on Reddit can help us deliver our news to an abroad audience.
What content should we share?
We share top-performing articles that can attract readers globally:
articles about kids (dancing, singing, just cute)
inspirational content (good deeds, success stories interesting globally)
international news with local angles (celebrity news, politics, sport)
Find articles that have the most views on IO ( ).
Check what types of articles work the best on your project:
How Reddit works?
Reddit is similar to an online forum, but with the added feature of users being able to give votes to the post and the posts’ comments. Points received from upvotes are called Karma (the Reddit equivalents of "likes" on Facebook).
You can join groups surrounding a particular topic (called subreddits) and share your posts there.
What strategy helps us win on Reddit?
Share articles to relevant subreddits. Here you will find a list of subreddits, where you can share the news articles. Carefully learn their content and rules, check what kind of posts they accept.
Grow the account’s rating (Karma) by creating engaging posts and commenting on top posts in large subreddits. Choose subreddits with a friendly audience, where Redditors are more likely to upvote your content (for ex. Cats, funny videos, hilarious gifs). High Karma gives you the opportunity to publish news articles in large subreddits with million audience.
How to share articles on Reddit?
Log in to one of our accounts:
In the spreadsheet you can find a list of subreddits where you can share news articles. Make sure the article you publish applies to rules from point #2 (What content should we share).
Open a subreddit from the spreadsheet and tap “Create post”
Add a title and a link to the article and post.
Once the article is published, try to keep audience engaged. Ask questions or reply to their comments.
If a subreddit allows adding personal comments to the article (you can check it by looking at top posts in the subreddit), do not hesitate to interest the readers with comments like: Today I came across a post about ... and I was amazed how talented a person can be, because my talents are nothing compared to that. Have you ever thought about that?
How to comment properly to grow Karma?
Join Subreddits with a loyal audience and lots of subscribers (for example, r/aww). Find top posts and leave discussion-provoking comments.
For growing the account’s Karma we will need to jump into discussions under the other posts. Your comments should be funny or useful. Add value to your comment. You should write something that people can relate to.
How to create engaging Reddit posts to grow Karma?
We want Redditors to vote for our posts, put them at the top and interact with them. So how do we know what type of posts readers like on the subreddit?
Open the top posts of a big subreddit. The most successful come first. Copy their style and approach. Deliver the content people want to read in this subreddit.
2. Carefully learn the rules of the subreddit. Some of them reject posts without pictures or tags.
Example of rules.
3. The best Reddit posts are between 60 and 80 characters.
4. Include funny gifs/photos/videos to get more votes.
Daily tasks on Reddit
Share 5 links in news-related Subreddits to increase Tier 1 traffic.
Leave 3-5 engaging comments under top posts in friendly Subreddits to grow Karma.
Publish 1-2 funny or cute posts in friendly Subreddits to grow Karma.
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