Scripts & FAQs: Student

Scripts & FAQs: Student

I can’t access the course


I am so sorry to hear that. Please send me your email address used during registration. Kindly describe the issue in more detail: are you using a desktop or mobile, and what exactly is the error?

I will do my best to help you access the course ASAP. 

If one of our students is having trouble signing in to their account, you have a few options to help them:

  1. As a first step, you can start out by confirming that the student has an account on your site, and that their email address is spelled correctly by heading to the Users section of your admin dashboard. If their email address isn’t there, you can check if their name exists under a different email address. When students cannot access a course or their account we often find it is because they are using the wrong or misspelled email address.

  2. Your student may have forgotten their password. In this case, the student can reset their password. 

    • Students can reset their password by going to your Thinkific site, clicking Sign in and then selecting Forgot my password. That page lives here: https://legit-edu.thinkific.com/users/password/new

    • After inputting their email address and selecting Forgot my password, they will receive an email with a link to reset their password. This email can take up to 5-10 minutes to be received. Note that if they click Forgot my password many times, multiple emails will be sent and only the reset link in the most recent email will work. 

    • If the student gets an error when they click the reset link that says Error: reset token failed, this is usually because they clicked Forgot my password many times and are attempting to use an old link. It can also happen if they click on a link that is over 6 hours old.

  3. If your student is still having trouble resetting their password via that link, you can manually reset their password for them, by clicking on the edit button next to a student on the Users page, then providing that to them via email.

How to check if the student was enrolled

Xemofal Limited's Video - Jun 6, 2024.mp4

How the welcome email look like

The students should follow the link to create their own password.

When they click, they will be forwarded to this page.

Video guide on how to sign in for the first time (students have to create their own password):

Video guide on how to sign in when the user is already registered:

I forgot my password or login

If you have forgotten your password and are locked out of your account, you can trigger a password reset email right from your site sign-in page! If you are trying to log into your account but are seeing an “Invalid email or password” notification, click on Forgot Password? on your login page to have a password reset email sent to your email address. You will only receive a password reset email if the user account is found with the email address provided. Try sending a password reset email using all possible emails you may have used to sign up with Thinkific.

How to Reset Your Account Password

  1. Go to your Thinkific site

  2. Select Sign In on the top right

  3. On the login page, select Forgot Password

  4. Enter the email address you used to create your site

  5. Click Submit

  6. Check your email inbox for a password reset email for further instructions

Email Troubleshooting Steps

  • Make sure you are using the correct email address associated with your account.

  • Search your inbox and spam folders for the email addresses listed above. If these emails routinely end up in spam, consider adding these email addresses to the safe sender list in your email service provider settings (e.g. Outlook, Gmail).

  • Try resending the email. If you have still not received the email after a few minutes, try again.

  • If you are working for an organization, make sure Thinkific emails are not blocked by their Firewall or spam filter settings.

I don’t see the whole course

Our curriculum is broken down into a Drip Lesson Schedule, a unique and effective way to structure our course content.

A Drip Lesson Schedule means that instead of providing all course materials at once, we will release them in smaller, manageable parts over a set period.

This way, you won’t feel overwhelmed with too much information at once. Instead, you’ll get bite-sized lessons that are easier to handle.

Here’s our detailed schedule, so you know exactly when each lesson will be released.


Release Date

Lesson Topic


Release Date

Lesson Topic


Immediately Available

Introduction to Copywriting


Mastering Tone and Style


Crafting a Captivating Copy


Analyzing Successful Copywriting Campaigns


Unlocking the Psychology of Persuasion


Social Media Copywriting


Copy that Sells


Will be automatically released 10 Days after the student accesses the course for the first time

SEO Copywriting Essentials


AI and other Tools


A/B Testing


Compliance and Legal Aspects


Building Your Portfolio and Brand


Client Acquisition Strategies


Building Your Network

We understand new methods can seem unfamiliar, but rest assured, this approach is backed by educational research and used by many institutions.

I can’t access the lesson



I am sorry to hear that.

The next lessons are available only after you complete the previous lessons. 

Please let me know if this resolves your problem. 

How do I download the course?


The course is not available for downloading, you can only access it from your account on the Thinkific platform.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else today. 

I want a refund 

Hello, I am so sorry to hear this.

Could you please let me know why you decided to request a refund? 

Check the user’s account and whether they have watched any lessons.

As students complete lessons and chapters inside courses, we track their Progress as a percentage. Let's say the student completes one out of ten lessons; the student's Progress will be marked as 10% complete. A lesson is marked as complete specifically when the student clicks the "Complete & Continue" button on a lesson. Once doing so, the student will see a checkmark in the Course Player sidebar beside the lesson name. Students can see their progress within the course, and Site Admins can run Progress reports to see this data. To see how to run these reports, check out Progress Reports.

a) If they have watched the lessons:

Legit Course is non-refundable, you can consult with the policy by the link:

We have reviewed your account and see that you completed [X] lessons and spent [X] hours learning. 

We are sorry the materials didn’t meet your expectations fully at this time. Our suggestion is to continue learning the course. We are sure you will find the necessary information further along the curriculum.

b) If they have not watched the course

Legit Course is non-refundable, you can consult with the policy by the link:

We reviewed your account and see that you have not started learning yet. 

We suggest starting to go through the lectures at your own pace. The course is accessible both through mobile and desktop platforms and there is no deadline, so you can take your time to study when you can.

Your copyrighting career is just around the corner and we are here to help you with any questions.

If the user is aggressive and claims they didn’t get enough value in the materials, suggest extra bonus materials for free.

If the user is still aggressive and you feel they will go to the bank to request a refund and we don’t have any proof they used the product, issue the refund. Refund should be the last resort.

I can’t get a certificate


Thank you for reaching out. I hope you are enjoying the Copywriting course. 

To get a certificate you need to complete all the lessons and pass the final exam with at least 90% accuracy. 

After that, the certificate will appear in your account and you will be able to download it.

  • Click a Get your certificate button within the course to view and download a PDF of their personalized certificate

  • View and download it from within their account settings

  • If you need to issue certificates to students who completed your course before you set up certificates, we recommend creating a new private course with a single lesson that is connected to a certificate. You can then manually enroll students into this course to generate a certificate as needed.

I can’t complete my final project (Gold)


Thank you for reaching out. I hope you are enjoying the Copywriting course. 

You can find a detailed description and instructions for the Final Project in your account in the Gold Benefits chapter at the bottom of the lessons list.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

How can I be added to the community of students?


Thank you for reaching out. I hope you are enjoying the Copywriting course. 

You have been added automatically to our Digital Marketing Community upon enrolling to the course. Here’s a direct link: https://legit-edu.thinkific.com/communities/Q29tbXVuaXR5LTkzOTI1

Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

I see the incorrect course on my Student Dashboard

  • Check the Users section of your admin dashboard to confirm the student has enrollments:

    • Does the student exist? Are they enrolled in any courses? Are they the correct courses?

    • Are they enrolled in the full course or just the free preview? 

    • Is their enrollment expired? 

    • Does their date of enrollment match their order date?

  • Check the Orders section of your admin dashboard, to confirm that the order exists. Note that their order will only exist if you are taking payments within Thinkific.

    • Does the order exist?

    • Does it show the amount paid?

    • Does this match what courses the student is enrolled in?

  • Check your integrated Stripe and/or PayPal account to see if customer and payment exists

    • Can you find the customer? 

    • Does the customer have a credit card attached? Did a payment go through? Is it showing declined or failed credit card errors?

I have trouble viewing videos

Often, this issue is caused by a browser problem on the your computer. We also recommend that all internet browsers be up to date. If you're not sure what browser you're using you can check out here: https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/

Here are some basic browser troubleshooting steps that are a great starting point:

  1. Clear the cache and restart the browser. Also, check if you’re using the newest version of the browser

  2. Try a different browser (we like Google Chrome)

  3. Try an Incognito / Private Window (this will rule out an issue with browser extensions).

  4. Restart the device (it's a cliche but it works!)

  5. If possible, try a different device!

  6. If possible, try a different internet connection!  School and/or corporate firewalls occasionally block our video provider. 

For other video-related issues, please check out our video playback troubleshooting guide

I have trouble playing audio files

Often, this issue is caused by a browser problem on the your computer. Here are some browser troubleshooting steps that are a great starting point.

  1. Clear the cache and restart the browser. Also, check if you’re using the newest version of the browser

  2. Try a different browser (we like Google Chrome)

  3. Try an Incognito / Private Window (this will rule out an issue with browser extensions).

  4. Restart the device (it's a cliche but it works!)

  5. If possible, try a different device.

I have trouble viewing PDF lessons

If you are receiving a message that they cannot view the PDF on your browser yet can normally view PDFs from other websites, it may have to do with your browser settings. Please check their browser and ensure that the application set to view PDFs is the "preview in browser" option.

Student Issue Template (Please fill out with as much information as possible)

  • Please provide a brief description of the issue.

  • What is the name of your student(s) that were impacted and what is their email address?

  • Which course(s) and which lesson(s) were they experiencing this issue?

  • Which browser and which version was your student experiencing this issue in?

  • Does the student have any browser extensions/plug-ins installed and did they try disabling them? 

  • What troubleshooting steps did you try? 

  • Were you able to replicate the problem? Can you provide a screencast of the issue occurring?

  • Is there an error message? Can you send us a screenshot of the error message?

  • Can you screenshot any errors you see in your browser console?

Other questions

Automated messages


a) Hello, 

Thank you for contacting Legit Support. This is an automated message to confirm we have received your request.

Unfortunately, we are out of office now.

We will get back to you during our working hours:

9 am - 6 pm (East Africa Time)

b) Hello,

Thank you for contacting Legit Support. This is an automated message to confirm we have received your request.

We will get back to you during the next 30 minutes.

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