How to generate payment links

How to generate payment links


Автоматично додається на курс:



Flutterwave merchants can now easily receive payments from their customers through Payment Link QR. This feature allows you to generate a QR code linked to a payment link, which your customers can scan to make payments. 

Create a Payment Link & QR

Here’s how to create and use your Payment Link:

  • Log in to your Flutterwave dashboard.

  • Navigate to the "Payments" section.

  • Go to the "Payment Link" section.

  • Click "Create Payment Link" if you have never created a payment link before, or click the "+ New Payment Link" button at the top right corner of the page.

  • Select the "Single Charge" payment link type

  • Fill in the payment link details:

    • Enter the name, description, and logo of the payment link.

    • Choose your preferred currency for receiving payments.

    • If your product has a fixed price, enter the amount. If not, leave it empty to allow customers to enter the actual amount of the product they are paying for.

  • Choose to receive notifications via WhatsApp or email.

    • For WhatsApp and emails, you can add up to 3 numbers and email. You can delete or add numbers as needed, but the maximum is 3.

  • Customize your payment link to suit your business needs. Options include:

    • Customizing the payment link URL (use this template to make the client enroll automatically to the course)

      • tuko-standard/tuko-gold/tuko-premium

      • legit-standard/legit-gold/legit-premium

    • Setting limits on the currencies you can receive.

    • Adding a redirect link after payment.

    • Collecting additional information from your customers.

  • Once you’re done customizing, click "Create Link." and you’re all set.


You can share the payment link directly with your customers or download the QR code to share for easy payments. Using the Payment Link QR simplifies the payment process, making it quick and convenient for your customers to complete transactions.


Run Python container

  1. Open Docker (upload and instal desktop version)

  2. Open Console (iTerm on MacOs)

  3. Input docker run -it --rm --name python python bash into the Console

  4. Wait for files to upload (only when running for the first time)

  5. Input python into the Console, >>> should appear

Create inputs

First input

  1. After >>> input the code from the files below. Change package name, URLs, name of the website, currency and amount if needed.

  2. print(signature) should be generated:

Xemofal example




order_description\":\"Premium\ , "order_title\":\"Premium\",\"order_description\":\"Premium package\

are the name of the package that needs to be edited depending on the pricing plan

"currency\":\"USD\",\"amount\":100,\" amount for payment. 100 is $1, 1000 is $10.

Terms and domain name should be different for all projects.

Here are other examples:

Legit example




Tuko example




Briefly example

Second input

  1. After you have generated print(signature), open a new window in the console (Comm+N).

  2. Input the code from the files below, but replace the print(signature)

  3. Edit package name, URLs, name of the website, currency and amount if needed.

Xemofal example




Legit example




Tuko example




Briefly example

Generating links

Once you input the code, the payment link will be generated.

Xemofal example

  1. $100 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/KDbKgYV

  2. $300 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/zDM7GLA

  3. $700 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/xN7rKvA

Legit example

  1. 92,000 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/YAkE7pD

  2. 184,000 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/3DlMpZV

  3. 430,000 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/zN6E5wA

Tuko example

  1. 8,000 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/dD28LnA

  2. 16,900 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/ZDql2EN

  3. 36,900 https://payment-page.solidgate.com/link/jNK7G5N

Briefly example

Video guide


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