How to issue the refund
For now, contact Nina Romashchenko.
Flutterwave payments
Refund timelines usually depend on the payment channel. For card refunds, it takes between 3-15 business days. For account refunds, it takes between 24-48 business hours.
If you are unable to fulfill an order after a customer has paid for a product or service on your Flutterwave business, you can make refunds directly from your dashboard.
Click the 'Transactions' tab’ on the left side of your dashboard homepage.
Then, click ‘Refunds’ just before the “Chargebacks” tab. On this page, click the “Log a refund” button to initiate a refund.
Choose the type of refund you’re trying to make, whether it’s a single refund to one customer or a bulk refund.
Enter details of the transaction you’re trying to refund and click “Process refund”.
Refunded transactions can have different status which depend on the payment type. Here are other refund status
Refund status | Explanation |
| General status for completed refunds for cards and other payment types. |
| Status for completed bank transfer refunds. |
| Refund status for completed mobile money transactions. |
| Refund status for completed card transactions. |
| Status for refunds completed manually outside of the Flutterwave application eg Point-of-Sale or cash transactions. |
| A subset of |
| Status for pending mobile money refunds. |
| Status for refunds that are currently being treated. This is a transient state between initiated and completed refunds. |
Solid payments
To make refund in the Solidgate HUB within Solidgate order details:
Go to Payments > Orders and find the needed order.
Click on the ➡️ icon to go to the Order details page.
In the Refund section:
Set amount or full.
Choose refund reason from the list.
Click on Make refund to do.
M-pesa (invoice, only Kenyans)
Unfortunately, there is no option to refund from the Paybill. Money that is deposited there automatically goes to our company bank account, therefore, if a client wants a refund:
they have to provide their account number and confirmation code;
we need to check if we have this transaction in the log;
if the transaction is successful, we refund their money back like a normal payment via Tuko Accountant Ummi Mwakio