Each video on Youtube comes with a short description
The length of the description is around 50-70 words.
The purpose of the description is mostly to improve the SEO score of the video. This means the description should contain as many keywords as possible.
Example of keywords:
Cassie Jo Stoddart, Cassie Jo Stoddart Documentary, Cassie Jo Stoddart Tapes, Brian Draper, Torey Adamcik, Scream, teenage killers, copycat killers, true crime etc.
(see the list below).
Example of description based on the keywords:
Cassie Jo Stoddart was killed in her aunt’s house. During the interrogation of her boyfriend and their friends, Torey Adamcik and Brian Draper the detectives discovered the new evidence, the tapes.
The murderers were "inspired" by the popular horror movie from 90ies The Scream. The police found the videotape the suspects recordered before murdering Cassie Jo Stoddart.
Watch our new true crime documentary about Cassie Jo Stoddart Case; let’s investigate this real story together.
The structure of descriptions differs depending on the type of video and the purpose.
For the videos aimed to be published on YouTube the description structure is as following:
CTA 1 - Subscribe here:
Description - main text
Disclaimer - On @Call It Crime , we investigate the little-known details, examine new angles and dive into the psychology of the criminals. We believe that by informing our audience about true crime cases, we can help them prevent new crimes, report potential dangers, and stay safe.
Chapters - in the following format. The title of each chapter = keyword
00:00 - Cassie Jo Stoddart case
00:29 - What happened to Cassie Jo Stoddart
01:19 - Cassie Jo Stoddart boyfriend
01:30 - Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik
02:56 - Cassie Jo Stoddart home
04:15 - Matt Beckham Interview
04:53 - Brian Draper Interrogation
06:23 - Cassie Jo Stoddart masks
07:17 - Cassie Jo Stoddart Recording
09:04 - Torey Adamcik interrogation
10:24 - Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik today
Tags - consist of a range of general terms related to the true crime content + 3-5 specific terms related to the particular video.
Example of tags:
#truecrime #crimenews #crimescene #truestory #truecrimedocumentary #murderstory #unsolved #unsolvedmysteries #crimepodcast #mystery #missingpersons #crimemaster #crimealert #crimeworld #crimestop #crimeweekly #crimenews #casseijostoddart #briandraper #toreyadamcik
Here’s how it looks on our channel:
Each short comes with a short description consisting of the CTAs.
The CTA depends on the type of short and on the time of publishing.
Teaser shorts
CTA 1 - The full story coming on MM/DD, Time ET
CTA 2 - Subscribe using the following link, and turn on the notification bell: Call It Crime
Teaser shorts, video premiere announcement
CTA 1 - The video premiere coming on MM/DD, Time ET here - add link to a premiere
CTA 2 - Subscribe using the following link, and turn on the notification bell: Call It Crime
Once the video is published, the CTA 1 for both teaser shorts and premiere announcements should by replaced by
CTA 3 - Watch the full video on @Call It Crime - add link to the clip
Also, once the video is published, you should go back to the related short and add the end screen. End screens are available for the shorts that are 25 seconds and more.
Link the whole channel to the end screen + the related video
Link the related video in Cards using the following CTA: Watch the full video here
Facebook descriptions should be emotionally engaging but not clickbaity.
To make it more catchy, you can start with the following:
Then add 2-3 facts about the case.
The length of Fb-descriptions could vary, but usually is 100 - 500 symbols
This brave man survived one of the most brutal people in American history, Jeffrey Dahmer. Risking his own life, he led the policemen to the crime scene.
#truecrime #truecrimecommunity #truecrimedocumentary #truecrimedocumentaries #investigation #investigation
Chris presented himself as a CIA agent. Sure thing, with a job like that, he couldn’t show his face or tell his real name. He would only communicate through emails with the Potter family from Tennessee.
Chris maintains that their daughter, Jenelle, is in grave danger: two people are hunting for her. So, Janelle’s father was forced to find the “dangerous couple” and to annihilate them.
But the thing is, Chris’ story was far from reality. Police started to examine his emails and there was a clue to his real identity: the typos.