YouTube Video Shorts Editing Guide

YouTube Video Shorts Editing Guide

Editing videos and shorts for YouTube can be creative and diverse, and it's essential to consider several key points that will help you create interesting and appealing content, engaging viewers to watch until the end!
Let's get started

First and foremost, plan the content of your video. Define the theme, message, story, or idea you want to convey to your viewers. Create a script or shortlist to have a visual representation of how your video will look. A short video should have a structure.

Hook - It is a dramatic element in any good edit. The hook is the intriguing information that starts the video (the main theme or idea of the video). The first three seconds are crucial to decide if the viewer will continue watching.

For example, a story without a hook in the short video's beginning:
"My name is Nivela, I'm 38 years old, and I thought for a long time about how to start my own business. Then I realized I don't have enough money to continue it. And the question arose, what to do next?"Shorts

At this moment (the first 3 seconds), the viewer might not reach the main idea of the video - the hook, which is about how the hero managed to find money to start the business.

For example, a story with a hook in the short video's beginning:
"At first, I started a business, then I realized I don't have enough money to continue it. And the question arose, what to do next?"

At this moment, the viewer knows the topic that potentially interests them because at the beginning of the video, there's a problem (the first 3 seconds), and it sounds like: "At first, I started a business, then I realized I don't have enough money..." and the viewer is potentially curious about how the hero managed to solve this problem.

Never start your shorts with an intro screen; you're already losing your viewer.


Here are a few rules for building a hook:
1. Problem or main idea (the first three seconds)
2. Development (the whole middle of the video) - the hero tells the path to and from this problem
3. Intrigue or resolution (the end of the video) - here the hero tells whether the problem was solved (this is the resolution) or we keep the intrigue (no answer to whether the problem was solved) and ask to subscribe or watch the full version on the YouTube channel
4. Call to action

During the editing of short videos, it is essential to consider important aspects

Video Format:
YouTube Shorts must always be published in an aspect ratio of 9:16.
So, make sure your titles also match this format.

Keeping the person in the frame and ensuring their face:
is clearly visible is crucial. Avoid letting them go out of the frame during the shot.

Dynamic Editing:
It is advisable to use non-static and continuous imagery (adding moving B-roll or animated photos on the screen) to give the frame dynamism. If there is a conversation between people, consider their facial expressions and emotions they convey. Switching to moments of the person listening can add variety to the process.

Titles are a great tool to make your video more dynamic and engaging. Titles serve several functions:

1. Informational - to highlight the significance of the information
2. Help understand the current spoken information
3. Add dynamism to the video

Title Placement:
Titles are usually placed at the top or bottom of the screen. It is generally recommended to use the bottom part of the screen as the top part might be covered by the smartphone's interface.

Font Size:
Ensure that the font size of the titles is large enough to be visible on a mobile device screen. Typically, an optimal font size is around 30-40 points.

Make sure that the titles have sufficient contrast with the background to be easily readable. Use bright text on a dark background or dark text on a light background.

Try not to overload the video with lengthy titles. Short titles that appear on the screen for a few seconds are usually more effective.

Place your logo or watermark on the video, but keep it subtle so it doesn't interfere with the content. It's best to position the logo in the top or bottom corner of the screen.

Now you are ready!


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