Yes, yes, we know that Chad can be useful, but in order to get the best out of it, we need to ask it the right questions and work together for the best results. There are a few use cases for Chad: translations, proofreading, title generation, descriptions, community posts, and answering comments.
ChatGPT login details:
Before we move to each of the use cases it’s important to remember:
✊ Provide clear instructions and be detailed — Start your message with a clear and specific prompt. Clearly state what you want or ask a specific question to guide the AI's response.
✊ Be concise — Try to keep your messages brief and to the point. Long and complex messages may lead to less accurate or relevant responses.
✊ Ask for clarification — If you receive a response you don't understand or find unclear, ask the AI to clarify or provide more information.
✊ Specify the desired format — If you prefer the specific response format, let the AI know to tailor its response accordingly.
✊ Experiment and iterate — Don't hesitate to iterate and refine your prompts if the AI doesn't provide the desired response initially. You can experiment with rephrasing or providing additional context to get better results.
Whatever your use case is, the most important words for Chad are “imagine” and “I want you to act as”. You have to explain in detail who Chad should imagine himself as or who should he act as. E.g.: a professional translator, an award-winning author, or a YouTuber with a 10-years of experience in the field.
Language Assistant
Translate a script from one language to another
To get better translation results:
Hi, chat! I want you to act as a professional translation and language correction tool to translate my scripts from (INPUT LANGUAGE) to (OUTPUT LANGUAGE) for my channel about (INSERT FIELD).
Imagine that you’ve translated thousands of texts in various genres. And you are particularly good with writing short and simple sentences, writing in a style familiar to the local audience. I would like you to read the text I will send you and translate it to (OUTPUT LANGUAGE).
After Chad has translated the text. It’s good to ask him to proofread itself and correct the style:
Thank you. I want you to proofread the text according to (EX. AMERICAN ENGLISH), humanise it, correct any confusing formulations, and make it clear and concise. I also want you to make this script easy for the narrator to read and for the listener to comprehend.
Improving the language and spell-checking
We have Grammarly to help us with the grammar and spell-check, however, Chad is no less powerful and can go ahead and correct or improve your text by himself.
This is also helpful if you asked Chad to translate your text.
A good prompt to use:
I want you to act as a text improver. Imagine that you are an award-winning editor, who has worked for the New Yorker magazine for the past 50 years. You've edited the works of some of the best contemporary authors, like Stephen King and Donna Tartt.
Now I want you to improve my script. I will send you the text paragraph by paragraph, please improve the text, following these rules:
Target audience:
The desired tone of voice:
Desired style:
No long sentences. The text should be easy to read out loud.
Make sure that the text becomes more hooky, contains vivid adjectives, and is as emotional as possible.
You are not allowed to add any new facts to the text. Changes should be only of stylistic or grammatical nature.
Make sure the first sentence speaks straight to the viewer and evokes emotions.
YouTube Management
Writing titles, descriptions, and community post
To start, ask Chad to write you a description of your video, by giving him your script. If your script is too long, divide it into parts.
Hi, chat! I want you to act as a professional YouTube manager for my channel about (INSERT FIELD). You have many years of experience working with YouTube and your channels have YouTube Golden Buttons.
Please read the script to the video about (INSERT THE NAME). I need you to write a description of this video. Please, write it according to SEO rules, including keywords that are relevant to this topic. Keep the description under 400 characters.
After Chad returns the description, ask him to humanise the text:
Please, rephrase the text to make it sound like it was written by a human.
Now, that you’re satisfied with it, ask him to brainstorm title ideas. However, remember that Chad does not have access to information after 2021. For this task, you can use ChatSonic. This chat has access to more recent data, so ask him to provide you answer “based on the current trends”. To learn more about this service visit this guide.
Useful prompt:
I would like you now to give me 20 different title ideas for this video. Please, make sure that the titles are catchy, easy to read, and have keywords mentioned in the description. Apply smart clickbait to intrigue the viewers but not to mislead them. Suggest the titles, based on the current trends.
Provide different approaches to the titles, so we can see which one works best. As number 21 please write a special title that will be your favorite option.
Now you can generate a community post, a poll or a quiz.
Please, write a community post for this video. The text should be between 40 and 60 words, it may include emojis and a call to action to watch the video. Make it fun and easy. Please, provide me with 3 different variations.
If you need Chad to translate any of these tasks, just add a translation prompt mentioned earlier.
SEO optimisation and selection of necessary tags for your video. It’s better to choose tags, using VidIQ or a similar tool. However, if you’re not using one, Chad will only make your meta-tags and hashtags better.
Unfortunately, Chad does not have access to the information before 2021, but you can always try ChatSonic for these purposes.
Give Chad your description and ask him to suggest you tags:
Hi, chat! I want you to act as a professional YouTube manager for my channel about (INSERT FIELD). You are a master of video SEO optimization, and also choose the most suitable and relevant tags for the videos.
I want you to read this description and suggest the 10 most suitable hashtags and 20 meta tags, based on the trends and SEO rules.
Answering comments can be tiring at times, and Chad can help in this instance as well.
Hi, chat! I want you to act as a professional YouTube manager for my channel about (INSERT FIELD). I need you to answer the comments people left under my video. This is a description for the video: (INSERT DESCRIPTION).
I want to give you some context of each story and ask you to answer the comment about it. What I will need from you is to write friendly and short answers in English, and also add emojis to make it more human.
Chat is especially when it comes to answering the comments in another language
I am answering comments for my YouTube Channel. Each video is devoted to the rescue story of a particular animal.
Now, I need you to translate the question to English and write an answer to the comment in (INSERT THE LANGUAGE YOU NEED), and translate the answer to English as well.
Research and Sourcing
Chad and Sonic are no scriptwriters, but they can help to brainstorm topic ideas for your videos.
Chad and Sonic can be used quite similarly, just remember that Chad’s answers won’t be as time relevant, as it has information prior to 2021. However, if your video is not that time sensitive, feel free to use Chad.
General prompt to start with. Mind that formulation ‘current trends’ is only applicable when using Sonic.
Hi! I want you to act as a research tool for my YouTube channel. Imagine that you are aware of the hottest and trendy topics in (INSERT THE FIELD). Please, suggest 5 ideas for a video about (INSERT GENERAL DIRECTION) based on the current trends.
See what the answers will be and play around with re-formulating yourself if the answers won’t satisfy you.
Prompt for when you have a more or less definite topic idea in mind:
I want you to come up with 5 different angles for a video script about (SUGGESTED TOPIC IDEA). There should be enough interesting details in each idea for a 1300-words script, that will have 4 distinct hooks. The suggested ideas should be emotional. The target audience of this script is women 50+.
Please, make sure that the ideas are based on the current trends.
Choose one of the suggested lines, and brainstorm a bit further:
Please, pitch me a detailed structure of the 2nd suggested video topic. Be as precise and clear as possible. The structure should include 4 hooks, where a hook is an emotional trigger that catches peoples' attention and makes them continue reading or watching the video.
Visualising and storyboarding
When you have the script ready, Chad could help scriptwriters to visualize what's written on the page. Sounds simple, but it can streamline the process of finding the right shot for each line. Upload the script in parts and ask Chad for stage directions.
Hi! I need you to act as a professional stage direction tool.
Imagine that you've been writing scripts for Hollywood movies for the past 30 years. You have won multiple Oscars and you are known for making the most dynamic visual stories ever.
I need you to help with stage directing my script for my YouTube about (INFO ABOUT THE CHANNEL). Our target audience is (INFO) and they love emotional stories.
Read this script in parts first, and after I’m done, write stage directions, taking into account these parameters:
Shots should be dynamic and convey an emotion.
Mention who should be in the shot.
What kind of shot is it.
What is the action.
What is the location.
Possible transitions between scenes.
But really no Chad or Sonic are equal to the human mind.