Viktoriia Vlasenko, Content strategist - viktoriia.vlasenko@gen.tech, +380681010909
Local team:
Dave IbemerePascal Oparada, Journalist - davepascal.ibemere@corpoparada@corp.legit.ng
PR manager
Video team:
Damilare Okunola, Head of the Temitope Popoola, Admin video team lead - okunolatemitope.damilare@corppopoola@corp.legitnaij.ngcom,
Abisola Alawode, Producer, host - abisola.alawode@corp.legit.ng
Bright Daniels, Video editor - bright.daniels@corp.legit.ng
Monday Idara, cameraman - idaguymonday@gmail.com
Preparation and promo:
Journalist invites a business person with a huge media following (or very popular business). He agrees on a date and time (firstly, the PR manager asks if the video team is available on that day), requests for a short bio and photo for promo materials.
Remember, we should have at least 14 days gap between the agreement and an interview for marketing staff.PR manager creates Facebook event and asks Kseniia, to get a landing page for registration. She boosts Facebook post to reach a wider audience. PR manager writes an announcement about the upcoming event, publishes it on main and corp websites.
Kseniia creates a welcome letter on MailChimp to automatically send reminders to the audience.
Journalist PR manager reaches the guest, sends him a promo post with a link to share on his social media pages. Use http://bit.ly to track how many people clicked the link.
PR manager writes and schedules posts on theFacebook event page.
PR manager sends the announcement (press release) to local business news websites. Journalist helps with contacts.
Journalist creates a list of questions for the guest. Shares with video team, approves with HQ.
PR manager reminds the guest about the event 2 days before. Gets his/her phone number in case of emergency. Asks to arrive at the office 20 min before the interview.
Kseniia sends a reminder email to the Digital Talks audience before the event.