Writing basics

Writing basics

The length of each script is 1500-2500 words, including live embeds.

The basic rules of the storytelling:

  1. Catchy beginning - starts from action, an interesting situation, the specific moment that leads us to the main question: who is the killer? what happened there?

  2. The story should be told in an investigative manner. We examine the crime scene, collect the evidence,

  3. Whenever it’s possible, keep the killer’s name secret.

  4. To turn the narration into a more “humane“, bloggers-like manner, add 2-3 phrases in non-formal style.

One of the phases should be placed in the beginning.


  • There are a lot of video on Youtube about this case, but none of them is covering this aspect of the story…

  • We’ve made a lot of research, and I must say some of the things we found are very, very disturbing

  • Honestly, this is one of the most disturbing cases we used to cover…

Also the non-formal phrase with call to action/question should be placed in the ending paragraph.


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4. Do not put 2 or more quotes one after another.

Example of the proper script structure

Example 1

Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fyA_yJ4gY6SDwUY4pdUI_oE8_HAkAa3R/edit#heading=h.eo4b10hu1gez

  1. The crime itself: what happened. A man won the lottery and then disappeared. Where has he gone? What happened? Let's figure it out

  2. Prerequisites of disappearance. Who is our protagonist, how did he win this lottery; what did he do with money and how a bunch of people who were greedy for his money appeared in his life

  3. Moment of disappearance: relatives/friends lost contact with him, and he stopped appearing in public.

  4. A significant detail hints at what happened to him: the relatives started getting letters from him. But he is illiterate. So who is writing these letters?

  5. And here we enter the antagonist. We find out that the lottery winner was swindled by a woman. At first, she went to a conference in a wheelchair and pretended to be a writer. But actually, she wanted to get access to his finances.

  6. The antagonist’s background: who is she, and how did she become the criminal?

  7. Her arrest/ interrogation, interesting details

  8. The conclusion with a positive/meaningful aspect of this story: now you can be more careful.

Example 2

Competitors' video: The Girl Who's Head Was Stomped In For Looking Different
1. The crime itself: what happened. The girl got killed simply for being goth. Really? Let’s find out more details about the case.
2. Enter the protagonists/victims.

3. Details of the crime already known to the police: the girl and a guy were beaten and is in the hospital.

4. Investigation starts, collecting the evidence.

5. The main suspects: who are they, and why do we suspect them?
6. New angle, the trigger for investigation: girl dies in the hospital.

7. Arrest/ interrogation, interesting details (why did they do it, what came to light)
8. Conclusion with

  1. The conclusion with a positive/meaningful aspect of this story: the guy survived.