Canva templates

Canva is a free visual editing tool that helps to create unique and engaging images for our articles. Most frequently, Canva is used to make preview images and thumbnails that appear on the main page of the site, on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Always use Canva to create your featured image.

Follow this link to get registered and start using Canva. Read this official tutorial to learn the basics!

Featured image templates

Our templates:

  1. SB

  2. Tuko

  3. Yen

  4. Legit

  5. Briefly

  1. Make a copy of the document (do not miss this step!):

  1. Delete the main image. Upload your photo and drag it to replace:

  1. With a right click, go to the Layers → Send backward to ensure your featured image stays behind the graphic elements.

  1. Resize the image to fit the dimensions:

  1. Change the text.

Canva custom bio pics

  1. Make a copy: File → Make a copy

  1. Upload an image from your computer: Uploads → Upload files

  1. Replace the current picture in the template by dragging the uploaded image to the circle.

  1. Replace text:

    1. Headline - name of the celebrity

    2. Subheading - who are they

    3. 5 short most prominent facts

  2. Download the picture: Share → Download → Done

  1. When uploading to the CMS, choose:

    1. Source: Original (without watermark).

    2. Caption: Top-5 facts about Jack Dafoe. Photo: Paul Bruinooge/Getty Images (modified by author).

Chart template

Chart infographics are versatile and can be used to visually represent these topics:

  1. Statistical Data: Displaying numbers, percentages, and other statistical information.

  2. Rankings and Lists: Presenting ranked lists or top items. Bar charts and bullet graphs are useful for showing rankings, such as top-performing employees, most popular products, or city rankings.

  3. Financial Data: Representing financial metrics and performance like salary history.

You can edit:

  1. Title

  2. Pictures

  3. Names/property

  4. Values (like salaries)

  5. Prefix/suffix of the values. The prefix can be the currency (e.g. $, ₦, €) and the suffix can be used to shorten thousands, millions, and billions (e.g. 100k, 100m, 100b).


Here’s a video guide on how to use these templates:


Name template

This template can be used to visually represent the “Names” topics, such as fantasy characters' names, baby names, Asian/African/etc names.


Other features

The content creator should use third-party tools whenever possible to create their own custom-made images that are not found in any other source. Collage is one of the best options to create a unique picture. 

  1. Go to Canva and click Create a designCustom dimensions. Set the width 1200px, height 600-800px  and hit Create new design

  1. Choose Elements → Grids → See all: 

  1. Choose the collage format you need:

  1. Hit Uploads and choose pics from your computer:

  1. Drag the pics to the collage:

  1. Download it in .JPG format (the file size will be smaller) 

Video guide on how to create Canva collages